Monday, 19 October 2015


Our first TY trip was to Carlingford in Co.Louth. We got the bus there and it took two hours. When we arrived, we left our bags in the hall and were divided into groups. The other group got to do water sports first and we got to do team challenges. When we got to challenge island, we were divided into three teams. We had to complete different challenges to collect gems and the team with the most gems won. In one of the challenges, we had to crawl through a pitch black maze. I got lost so my team only got two gems out of five. We completed all of our other challenges successfully and got the most gems!

We went back to the centre for lunch (chicken nuggets and chips!) and then got to do water sports. The first thing we did was peer jumping. It was fun but the water was freezing. We were divided into teams and then went kayaking. We kayaked to a trampoline in the middle of the lake. The trampoline was really good even though I fell off twice. We returned to the centre for dinner and got our rooms. I was in a room with my friends Linda, Carmen and Naoise. After dinner we ordered Chinese and I got a spice bag. It was the most disgusting spice bag I've ever had in my life.

The next day, we did zip lining. It was really fun and I did the course twice. We had lunch and then we had to go home :( I was so tired. 

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